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What actually is Equine Facilitated Learning ?

Equine Facilitated learning helps people to learn about themselves with the help of horses. , It can also be called Equine Assisted Learning , Animal assisted therapy amongst other names. How does this work ? well, horses are highly sensitive beings. They are prey animals which mean they are always on the look out for danger and can sense it from a long way away. This is essential to their survival. So they are perfect for helping us humans to discover a whole host of things about ourselves.

If you approach a horse whiles you are feeling angry, or anxious, they sense your energy. You may think you are being calm and pleasant but they will sense your underlying energy.

This helps us immensely in helping people who suffer with anxiety or depression or anger, to become mindful of your energy . Horses mirror what they sense and essentially hold a mirror up to you to reflect on . So how can this help us ? Well when you know what energy you are in, you can work to maintain or adapt it . For example if you are highly anxious and tend to spend alot of tie in this energy, you can learn techniques to adapt this, calming your mind, breathing exercises etc.

Horses also live in the moment. They are truly present beings. They do not worry about the future, they are here present right now. This can allow us to adapt our energy and get a true reflection of our success at this. If you are full of nervous energy, they will reflect this, if you become mindful and return back to the present moment, the horses will also reflect this back to you.

Overall EFL has helped many many people all over the world to become present, mindful, mange emotions, anxiety and depression as well as providing a calm and peaceful environment to settle your mind or escape the chaos of modern life.

Equine assisted learning can help both adults and children and can also be used to help gain skill sets for life. These can include confidence building, team work, communication all of which can help individuals throughout all walks of life.

Here at Dandelion Days we have a lovely settled herd who love to help people. They all have free choice and of they don't want to assist on a certain day, they don't . Although they all love it and often line up to be the next in .

Watch out for the next blog coming soon.


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